Friday, February 25, 2011

My game is so cool it is awesome and chalenging. My partner and I worked evry hard on our game. Another reason why i love my game is because I got to make it and its exactly how I want it. But its a little confusing for some but after you start playing it you start to understand.One thing i dont like about my game is the charters I think we should have made the be some kind of animal to make the game funnier.

Friday, February 18, 2011

My partner and I worked on flash all this week. First we up loaded our flas scenes on our team page. We also started adding buttons on our game. I thought that that was easy because buttons are my thing and come really easy to me. But, i still couldnt have done it with out my partned Faith Poore.

Friday, February 11, 2011

Globaloria :)

Globaloria is such an interesting class it is extremaliy fun but really hard. It is a really cool class and i will take it agin next year. My partner is Faith Poore. She and i get our woke done and do out part.We dont just base it on one person. Globaloria is cool because, I get to learn and make creative work at the same time. Globaloria is a great way to learn about video games and flash. You can learn a lot from being in Globaloria. I hope you get in this program.

Monday, February 7, 2011

 When we presentiend our game demo there was a lot of stuuf that they didnt understand.They said it was good but our was a quiz game.That means that we have to make a lot of changes.Hopefuly we can make our game not a quiz type game. They also thought that our game is going to be fun but we also need to put more name for our people.