Monday, August 30, 2010

What I hope to be doing in globaloria.

In Gloaloria I hope to be making a game that will persuade people to want to play. This has me real excited because we will be making math games. Math games seem very interesting to play for me cause I love math. I think that it will be really hard to create this game because every body say's it is. Right now I'm just starting to get the hang of it. The most difficult thing for me to do on my wiki page is put a picture on it.  It is hard for me to put a picture because I always to forget to copy the code.

 The most simplest thing for me to do is put a video on there. At first I had to ask my friend how to do stuff but now I know. Like putting things on my wiki page. Now I am helping my friends put thing on there wiki page. The  most thing that I find most interesting is how u can put so many differnt things on it. The funnest thing to me to do on there is put a video and pictures it's a chalange but that makes me love golobaloria even more. My teacher Mr.Lester is a really great help to understand it better. He does a really good job as a golobaloria teacher and I think him for that. Well thats all I have to say.